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INT 10h,  00h (0)        Set Video Mode
INT 10h,  01h (1)        Set Cursor Size
INT 10h,  02h (2)        Set Cursor Position
INT 10h,  03h (3)        Read Cursor Position and Size
INT 10h,  04h (4)        Read Light-Pen Position
INT 10h,  05h (5)        Set Active Display Page
INT 10h,  06h (6)        Scroll Window Up
INT 10h,  07h (7)        Scroll Window Down
INT 10h,  08h (8)        Read Character and Attribute At Cursor
INT 10h,  09h (9)        Write Character and Attribute at Cursor
INT 10h,  0Ah (10)       Write Character at Cursor
INT 10h,  0Bh (11)       Set Color Palette
INT 10h,  0Ch (12)       Write Pixel
INT 10h,  0Dh (13)       Read Pixel
INT 10h,  0Eh (14)       Write Character in Teletype (TTY) Mode
INT 10h,  0Fh (15)       Get Current Video Mode
INT 10h,  10h (16)       Set Palette Registers                      PCjr, EGA
INT 10h,  11h (17)       Character Generator                              EGA
INT 10h,  12h (18)       Alternate Select                                 EGA
INT 10h,  13h (19)       Write Character String                          many
INT 10h,  14h (20)       LCD Handler                              Convertible
INT 10h,  15h (21)       Return Physical Display Characteristics  Convertible
INT 10h,  16h (22)       Get/Set type of dislpay                          VGA

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson